Bloodshed Dev-C++

Programming in C or C++ on a Linux system is fairly straightforward. Enter the code in the editor of your choice, compile with gcc and enjoy. Programming is usually an integral part of the operating system.

C or C++ programming isn’t installed on Windows right out of the box, though, which raises the question of how to find a good C/C++ programming environment for Windows? Having tried (and not really liked) Visual Studio, I was looking for an alternative. As powerful and easy-to-use as FreeBASIC is — especially using the FBIDE environment — some things (like linked lists and similar structures) are more easily done in C-like languages.

Recently, I’ve come across Bloodshed/Dev-C++. Although I can’t say I like the name much, the IDE is easy to install, and provides an easy way to write a quick console-based program in C. Best of all, it’s free / open-source.

The download link can be a bit tricky to find, since the site design is somewhat unintuitive (at least to me). Here’s a direct link to the installer download page.


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