Darwin’s Polyhedra

Evolution by natural selection is a powerful algorithm that has come up with all of the variety of life we see on Earth. By keeping what works and discarding the ideas that don’t, populations can evolve over time to better fit their environment.

The same idea can be used to find solutions to given computational problems, as well. The field of Genetic Algorithms / Genetic Programming uses Darwinian evolution to search for solutions to various problems. Candidate solutions are encoded as gene sequences — perhaps a series of bytes, with each byte representing some parameter of the candidate solution. Each generation, the solutions are all tested and ranked, with better solutions having a higher chance to be selected to produce the next generation. Selected parent genomes are combined via crossover (with some mutation) to produce new genomes to be evaluated in the next generation.

One good way to test how well such an approach works is to try it out on problems for which you already know at least some solutions. For example, the Tammes Problem asks what is the greatest size disc for which you can fit N such discs on the surface of a sphere. Equivalently, what is the maximum, minimum distance possible between any two of N points on the surface of a sphere?

Solutions to such a problem can be expressed in genetic form, suitable for being acted upon by evolutionary forces. The position of each point is expressed in altitude and azimuth angles, sufficient to cover the surface of the unit sphere. (Note to self: explore using quaternions.) The simulation is then run, with the function that determines evolutionary fitness being the minimum distance between any two points. Solutions can then be visualized as polyhedra, where the unit sphere is cut by planes normal to the vector from the origin to each point. This results in an N-sided polyhedron — although sometimes a rather weird, lumpy one at first.

The best “cube” of generation 1.
Not very impressive at some 19.3% error — but that quickly improves!

For “easy” problems such as N=6, this approach quickly produces a nearly-optimal solution. Six equally-spaced points on the unit sphere will be farthest apart when they are in the form of a cube. For example, points at (1,0,0) and (0,1,0) could be two such points, 90 degrees apart. The optimal Tammes distance for N=6, then, is sqrt(2).

For N=6, the genetic approach described above very quickly converges to the expected cube solution, with point positions very nearly the expected distance apart. (A typical result differs from sqrt(2) by well under one part per million, if left to run for a while.)

The best cube of Generation 2941 (and the previous thousand or so) —
a cube with a measurement error of ~12.293 parts per million.)

Some values of N produce interesting results. For N=8, the most typical result is an anti-prism, similar to the platonic octohedron, but with four of the points rotated by 45 degrees. (When you think about it, it makes sense; the points are farther apart that way.)

An antiprism octahedron. It’s not the Platonic solid, but it would be a fair die.

Larger values seem to pose greater challenges to this approach; N=12 sometimes produces the expected Platonic regular dodecahedron, but more often will get stuck in a local minimum, producing a somewhat symmetrical shape. (Like in nature, Darwinian evolution doesn’t always produce a *perfect* solution — just whatever seems to get the job done best. )

Various somewhat-symmetric “grown” polyhedra.
All except for the 8-gon are irregular, but with striking symmetries.
From left to right: Irregular 10-sider; antiprism 8-sider; 7-hedron; 9-hedron.

The next goal: try to grow a regular icosahedron.

Posted in 3D Printing, Algorithms, Coding, Genetic Algorithms, Math, Science | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hot Stuff

When diagnosing something, make sure you know what failure looks like.

Recently, my gas oven decided it didn’t want to heat up. This makes baking rather difficult, so (after waiting the usual while to see if the problem went away on its own), I investigated.

Gas ovens are lit by a Hot Surface Igniter (HSI), much like how gas furnaces work. According to Dr. Google, this is the most common mode of failure for gas ovens without pilot lights. It’s also a relatively easy part to replace, as well, so I figured I ought to start there.

Peeking into the drawer under the oven, I could see the ignitor glowing. Oh, well, I thought — they can’t all be easy. I put the problem off for a while, since replacing the gas safety valve (really the only other possible culprit) would mean turning off the gas and disconnecting the gas supply. Low Priority.

What I didn’t know then was that the igniter had actually failed, even though it was visibly glowing. Gas ovens, as I eventually found out, have the igniter and safety valve wired in series. As the igniter heats up, its resistance decreases — and once it is hot enough, it allows enough current to pass that it opens the safety valve, allowing the gas to flow. The original one was still glowing, but not brightly enough to get hot enough to open the gas valve.

A $25 replacement igniter later, the oven is working once again. I even found a helpful video detailing the exact steps to replace it.

And I didn’t even have to mess with the gas line.

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It Belongs In A Museum

There’s an open-source solution for just about any problem out there — but getting it up and running can more often than not turn into a nightmare of chasing down one rabbit hole after another for dependencies, drivers, sample configuration files, and so on. (Ever tried configuring a mail server?)

So it’s especially nice to come across a purpose-made open-source solution to a problem that’s not only Free, but actually easy to use.

MP4Museum is such a solution. With absolutely zero setup other than downloading and flashing an image file, it turns a Raspberry Pi into a preconfigured, kiosk-style video player that’s ridiculously easy to use.

By “ridiculously easy to use,” I mean you load one or more mp4 files onto a thumb drive, plug it into the Pi, and connect the HDMI and power cables. It boots up and does its thing automagically.

There’s even a custom 3D printable RPi case (for a Pi A+).
Or, as always, Thingiverse can hook you up with a few hundred options.

MP4Museum, along with similar “appliance” images like OctoPrint/Octopi, represents a new way of looking at small computers like the Raspberry Pi. They run from downloadable images and boot up as essentially completely configured systems. (OctoPrint, being a server, does require you to set up a few things.) Instead of downloading an app and using a multi-purpose PC, tablet, or smartphone to do a task, you can pull a $25 Pi off the shelf, throw the appropriate image on it (using the almost-as-easy-to-use BalenaEtcher), and you have an information appliance up and running.

Now if only getting the monitor mounted to the wall were this easy…

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Which Way Is Up?

3D printing is still a craft, to a large extent. For all but the simplest functional parts, a successful print requires at least a little thought about filament type, layer height, number of shells and top/bottom layers, infill density and type, and so on.

One subtle parameter is part orientation. In some processes, such as on a 6-axis CNC mill, this might not matter. With FDM 3D printers (ones that use plastic filament), it does. Printed parts are far stronger in the X/Y plane, where layers are laid down, than they are in the Z axis. A long, thin part such as a conductor’s baton would be fairly strong if printed horizontally on the bed. The same design, printed at the same settings, would be very weak if printed vertically (if you could get it to stay on the bed at all.)

In addition, you can often minimize or eliminate the need for support material simply by changing the part orientation so that no overhangs exceed 45 degrees or so. This saves material, but more importantly, makes part cleanup a lot easier.

As an example, consider the following cable clip. Which of the three orientations would be best?

The three basic possible orientations,
ignoring symmetries and clearly-worse options.

The contestant on the right seems to be the best choice, at first. It can print in place with zero support needed. This also means it will pop right off the bed ready to use. Is it viable? Let’s take a closer look.

The three orientations, as the Simplify3D slicer sees them.

First, we use Simplify3D to slice the three models, adding support where it is needed. Let’s look at the model on the right…

A closeup of the no-support-needed model on the right.

This orientation isn’t terrible, but it isn’t perfect. It won’t require any support, but those clip arms are rather weak, and could break under the stress of being clipped onto the bed.

But at least it isn’t the one on the left…

A closeup of the (worst choice) model on the left.

This one’s a disaster. That support is needed to print those cantilevered overhangs — and it will be a pain to remove unless it’s printed in something exotic like water-soluble PVA.

To add injury to insult, it’s the weakest of the three, too. The tension from clipping onto the bed will stress the back of the clip by the lever principle. Even money says it breaks while you’re trying to get the support removed. Double Plus Ungood. Let’s look at the third option.

A closeup of the center model (the one I’ll print.)

This one’s the winner. While it does need some support in the cable cutout — and while it’s weak along its length — it is strong in the one dimension that matters — the one that has to hold itself to the bed.

Now to figure out how to insulate it from the heat, so I don’t have to print it out of Nylon…

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