For Loop Gotchas

Be careful when writing loops with unsigned variables. The compiler’s idea of an end condition might not match yours.

When working on a program to produce fractal laser-engraver art, I stumbled across a strange problem. I could call a function to draw a fractal at levels 0 through 6, all of which worked fine, whether individually or called in a for loop.

When I went to draw them in reverse order, however, the program crashed — and it didn’t make sense as to why. The code in question was something like:

dim as ulongint x
for x=6 to 0 step -1
next x

This worked fine forwards (for x=0 to 6) but crashed somewhere around level 2 when run in reverse — even though all levels worked great individually.

I eventually figured out that the bug was due to the variable in the for loop. Instead of iterating from 6 down to zero and then stopping, for loops (in FreeBasic as well as C) blindly decrement the variable and then check the end condition.

So, in C, a line which reads

for(uint8_t x=6;x>=0;x--){doTheThing(x);}

will never return. It will get down to zero, decrement and wrap back to all-ones. Since this is a value greater than zero, it will continue.

In the case of the fractal image, I had unknowingly asked it to compute an 18.4667-quintillion-level Koch curve. This figure would have four-to-the-18.4667-quintillionth-power segments.

No wonder it crashed!

Posted in BASIC, C, Coding, Fractals | Leave a comment

Moore’s Law

If you’re living inside an explosion, you may not notice it, if it’s something you’ve been used to. Our Universe continues to not only expand, but (as we found out only about twenty years ago), it’s accelerating. Still, life seems to go on much as it always has — nothing much seems noticeable at our timescale.

Even when things do change appreciably in our lifetimes, sometimes the change is so gradual that you almost don’t notice. Over the years, personal computing devices’ storage has grown from bytes to kilobytes in the 1970s, through megabytes and gigabytes into the terabyte realm today, with petabytes on the horizon for consumer devices.

What’s hard to grasp intuitively is that each of those multiplier name changes represents a thousandfold increase. (Or, a 1024-fold, if you’re a computer engineer and not a marketer.) So, compared to the earliest PCs, modern devices can store literally billions of times more information. Large server farms from the 1970s could be stored in one directory of a modern PC. We’re experiencing a technological explosion.

Even since 2004, changes are dramatic. Here’s a “then-and-now” shot of two USB Flash drives. The larger, silver one is a 128MB drive from 2004; the smaller one (that’s basically the size of the USB-A port plus a token plastic grip) is a 512GB drive from 2021.

…Less is more?

That’s roughly four thousand times larger — and it’s a fraction of the physical size.

I think I’ll mount it to a vacuum tube for ergonomics.

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Wireless Sketch Updates for ESP8266

With the onboard WiFi capability that the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards provide, the natural next question is, can they be reprogrammed this way, too?

As it turns out, they can — and it’s fairly straightforward, thanks to the ArduinoOTA library (OTA standing for Over-The-Air.) Once programmed with an initial sketch to get the OTA functionality up and running (as well as provide the SSID and password for your WiFi), ESP8266 (and ESP32) boards can accept new sketches via their WiFi connection. There is even provision in the stock Arduino IDE to do this.

Random Nerd Tutorials has an excellent tutorial (as I guess you’d expect) on how to get started with this. If you’re in a hurry, here are my impressions after playing with it for an evening or so:

  • (The tutorial says Python 2.7 is required. I had it already, so I can’t say for sure.)
  • Add the Arduino core for your ESP8266 board (NodeMCU etc.) if you haven’t already.
  • Open the “Files–>Examples–>Ardruino OTA–>Basic OTA” example sketch. (If you can’t find it, the code is available here.
  • Modify the SSID and password lines to match your local WiFi network setup.
  • Compile and upload your sketch, using a USB cord like a cave dweller this one last time.
  • Since you’re connected via USB, you have Serial Monitor available, so you can watch it connect to the network (unless you’re like me and entered the wrong network name at first.)
  • Once it’s up and running, you should see a “Network Ports” section under Ports in the Arduino IDE. If all went well, you should see your board here. Select it and you can now upload to it this way.

That’s it — except for a few details that might not come to mind right away:

  • Make sure your new sketch also has the same OTA functionality (and your SSID and password) baked in, or once it is successfully uploaded, your board will no longer be listening for OTA updates, until you sheepishly ask the museum to borrow your USB cable back.
  • I’ve had the best luck with putting the ArduinoOTA.handle() call at the end of loop(). I suspect it might tend to use up most (or all) of the processor’s time, otherwise.
  • Don’t be a hog with time in your loop — do what you need and pass control back to the OTA handler.
  • If you move your board to a new network with a different SSID and/or password, it will need to be updated before the move. Unless you write the sketch to handle multiple networks, this will disconnect it from the former network.

This kind of functionality suggests some interesting applications — like encasing a system completely in resin, to be programmed wirelessly and powered by light or magnetic couplings.

Posted in Arduino, C, Digital, HOW-TO, Internet, Networking | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Soup-er Computing

I discovered something new this week — or rather, my computer did.

A population-33 still life pattern in Conway’s Life,
discovered by an automated run using APGSearch

Conway’s Life (which I’ve covered before) is a fascinating, simple yet Turing-complete set of rules to be run on a 2D binary lattice. Each generation, cells are born if they have exactly three live neighbors in the previous generation, and cells which were alive and had two or three neighbors stay alive. Otherwise, the cell dies (or no cell is created).

“Still Life” patterns are those Life patterns (like a 2×2 block of four) which are completely stable, and don’t change from one generation to the next. No new cells are generated, and the existing ones remain without any dying off. Absent any outside influence like a stray glider crashing into it, check back in a million generations and everything will still be where it is.

Still Life patterns are relatively common — start with any large random field and apply the Life rules and you’ll get lots of small ones — but larger ones don’t occur “naturally” (in Life sequences starting from random fields) nearly as often. The vast majority of patterns in Life aren’t stable, and large groups of randomly-initiated cells usually settle down into a mix of small Still Life patterns and small oscillators, along with gliders that shoot off in whichever diagonal direction they’re pointed in.

Life happens to be one of those interesting computational phenomena which is both easy to experiment with on a small scale and still interesting/challenging even for modern, fast computers. “Catagolue” [sic] is a project that has been underway since 2015 to try to catalogue all of the various patterns that exist in Conway’s Life. Programs like APGSearch can search through randomized primordial 16×16 “soup” patterns, evolving them according to the rules of Conway’s Life and running a quick analysis to see if anything interesting happens.

There are a huge number to go through, with 2^256 possibilities — but modern PCs are quick, going through tens of thousands of such patterns per second by running them in parallel. Every few minutes, the program uploads another “haul” of perhaps a few interesting finds, each time it checks ten million patterns. Contrast this with the way the “famous” Life patterns were found — by Conway and his graduate students, using tokens on a Go board! The glider — maybe the most famous Life pattern of all — was noticed when one student (Richard Guy) reported, “Hey, my bit is moving,” while helping Conway determine the evolution of the R-Pentomino “methuselah.”

Conway and his crew found most of the easy ones long ago. But we have cooler toys now. By simply running APGSearch in the background (for less than a day so far), I’ve already come across the Conway’s Life equivalent of a new, interesting beetle that we think nobody has come across before — the population-33 Still Life pattern shown above. (The same search also apparently provided the seventeenth confirmed sighting of a rare period-2 oscillator. Not nearly as exciting as a first find, but peer review is an important part of science, too, and it’s nice to see it applied so thoroughly here.)

I can’t wait to see what else it digs up.

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