
“I spy, with my little eye, a ROM address beginning with the sequence 0001010000011001…”

I’ve recently been playing with DS18B20 One-Wire digital temperature sensors (from Sparkfun — big surprise there). They’re fun little devices — accurate and cheap. They’re also insanely easy to wire up, having only three leads (they look just like 2N2222 transistors).

When Maxim says “one wire,” they mean it (not counting ground); you can even power it using the data line if you’re careful about timings and provide a strong pull-up when needed. Developing microcontroller code to drive them is nontrivial, though (various layers include bit timings, commands and ROM codes etc), but once it’s working, they’re very reliable.

Temperature A-to-D conversion takes up to 750ms, but you can issue a broadcast command to get all devices on the line to start a conversion at once, then read the results back at your leisure.

Here’s the first interesting part.

With a one-wire interface, timing and coordination of reliable two-way communications gets tricky. There’s no synchronization line — and from the description in the datasheet, the timing accuracy of these sensors isn’t all that wonderful, anyway. The scheme that Maxim worked out was that a short low pulse represents a one, and a longer low pulse represents a zero. A really long (more than 480 microseconds long) pulse resets the bus altogether.

But wait, there’s more.

The interface is specified so that multiple slave devices (I.E. multiple sensors) can share the bus. This takes not only coordination, but implementing the bus with an open-drain configuration (in other words, you use a fairly weak resistor to put 5V on the bus — and devices are only allowed to short the bus to ground, not pull it high.) This keeps communication collisions between devices on the bus from causing short circuits and burning up output transistors — but it also complicates timings and the basic communications protocol.

Now for the really interesting part.

Each sensor has a unique 64-bit serial number, which you need to know in order to interface with it. It’s not marked on the package (too small) or in the literature you get when you order the part (that would make too much sense), so Maxim provides a “Search ROM” feature, which uses a bizarre take on Manchester coding to send the address back. Two bits are read out at a time for each bit position in the 64-digit ROM code. 01 means the bit is a 0; 10 means it’s a 1; 00 means a conflict (someone on the bus sent a 1 and someone else — maybe a lot of someone elses — sent a 0); and 11 means that nobody is listening (check the circuit?). By going through bit by bit (with a lot of backtracking, if addressing a lot of these on one line), you can eventually determine the ROM codes for all devices on the line. It’s very Byzantine — but when you think about it, that’s really a result of the one-wire interface.

Here’s an example of how it would work with simpler devices that only had 4-bit ROM codes.

Suppose you had three devices on the bus, with ROM codes 0110, 1110, and 0101.

The least-significant bit is sent first; this comes back in two-bit Manchester coding as an “00.” (I.E. there’s at least one of each variety.)

The master (microcontroller) makes a decision at this point, and sends a one or zero. Any devices which match this bit in the first position keep listening; all others go idle and wait for a bus reset. In this case, we’ll default to zeros first. The master notes a conflict here, and sends a zero.

Sensor 0101 reads the zero and goes idle. Sensors 0110 and 1110 read the zero and continue, since it matches the least-significant bit in their ROM code.

The master then continues with reading the second bit. This comes back as a “10” — apparently all remaining devices agree that there is a “1” here. The master records a “1” and continues.

The master reads a third bit, which comes back as another 10. Another “1” is recorded and transmitted.

The master reads a fourth bit, which reads “00”. (Another conflict.) The master sends a zero; device 1110 goes idle, while 0110 is made active (having passed all the way through its ROM code). The master records 0110 as the ROM code of one of the devices on the bus — and records 1110, since it can deduce that; this being the last bit, that’s the only possibility.

The master then resets the bus, starts the ROM search process again, but sends a “1” this time when it reaches the conflict in the first bit. Device 0101 remains active this time while 1110 and 0110 go idle. The master then continues with the process; since 0101 is the only device left on the bus, no more conflicts occur.

Think of this process, expanded to 64 bits, and you have an idea of the situation. And not only that — you then have to figure out which sensor is which, if they are in different positions!

The amazing part is, once the code for this is written, it’s all over in a few milliseconds, and the ROM codes appear on the LCD…

Posted in Digital, PIC Microcontrollers | 1 Comment

PIC programming, Cadillac style!

I’ve been working with the PIC18F4620, and am impressed by how easy it is to program, compared to the smaller PICs. I think I’m in love. Or at least in lust.

Here are some of the improvements from an embedded developer’s point of view, as contrasted to the (still very cool) 16F887.

32MHz max internal clock speed instead of 8MHz
This alone would be worth it — a PIC running at 8MIPS! It will go to 10MIPS with an external 10MHz clock, but 32MHz with no external parts needed is very cool. For us PIC16 afficionados, it’s like finding out that your new car can go 400km/hr on the freeway, legally, when the old one only did 100.

MULWF and MULLW instructions
You can tell the PIC16 programmers in the audience; they just started drooling. Hardware multiply — and not only that, but hardware multiply that executes in a single instruction cycle. I see a re-writing of some of my math libraries in the cards!

(almost) NO MORE PCLATH!
Ding, dong, the witch is (almost) dead! GOTOs and CALLs on PIC18s access the entire memory space directly. So, unless you’re doing a computed GOTO, you don’t have to worry anymore about the value of the high bits of the program counter. No more save-the-old-PCLATH-value-then-set-the-new-one-then-call-the-routine-then-return-then-restore-the-old-PCLATH business. Just GOTO or CALL your routine! And with PIC18s, you really don’t want to do computed GOTOs anyway, because now, you have…

TBLRD* and TBLWRT* instructions
PICs are Harvard architecture parts — meaning they have separate memory spaces for instructions and data. Before the PIC18s, there was no way to access the program memory at runtime — lookup tables were handled by a series of RETLW statements, whether specific or produced by the assembler from “dt” statements. The TBLRD* and TBLWRT* instructions allow PIC18s to read from and write to program memory. One use of this is to use the (relatively huge) 64kB of program space Flash memory (32 kWords, but addressable as bytes for data use). Large, verbose diagnostic messages can now be programmed relatively easily, with just a little more work than calling printf() from C.

Add W to F with Carry. This is a bigger deal than it sounds. It will speed up the ADD32 and SUB32 libraries quite a bit, I think.

MOVFF instruction
With MOVFF (which takes two instruction cycles), you can copy a byte directly from one memory location to another, without going through the W register. This doesn’t always save time (although it’s always at least as fast as the old way), but not having to go through the W register can be very helpful.

Branch instructions
Branch-if-zero. Branch-if-not-zero. Branch-if-carry. Branch-if-not-carry. Branch-if-the-moon-is-in-the-seventh-house, for all I know. Well, maybe not that last, but PICs now have more branch statements than just BTFSS and BTFSC. This doesn’t quite rank up there with MULWF or TBLRD as far as I’m concerned, but I’m told it makes the compiler guys happy.

Rotates that don’t go through carry. Huh. And RRF/RLF are now RRCF/RLCF, just to break older code, I suppose.

Test F, Skip if Zero. Sounds like it could be useful.

Now you can increment or decrement and skip if *not* zero. I’m confused now; this is backwards from how these are normally used. This smells like something a compiler would like to have available.

Compare F with W, Skip if equal, greater-than, or less-than. Hmm. Equality tests sound useful.

Bit Toggle, to go with BSF and BCF. Well, I guess it was the missing option…

Decimal Adjust W. Something to do with BCD math. Sounds possibly useful.

More to the point, there’s a real, honest-to-goodness stack now! This is a good thing. Low-range and mid-range 8-bit PICs have an 8-entry hardware stack. Except in simulation, it was anybody’s guess just how deep into the stack a program already was when a particular subroutine was called. This made for very conservative use of the CALL statement — and has prompted me more than once to do things with macros that I really shouldn’t have.

Relative Call. This sounds like a segfault waiting to happen. I hope it’s not what I think it is…

Two NOP opcodes
To quote Bob from Frontier: First Encounters, “My, oh my, what happened here?”

There’s probably a legit reason for this, but it escapes me at the moment. Why not just GOTO 0x0000?


Move Literal to BSR? *looks up what BSR is, anyway*

Move Literal to FSR? *looks up what FSR is, too*

OK, now for some of the drawbacks:
Nonhomogenous instruction size
In other words, some instructions are two words long, and others are one. This means that you can’t just cavalierly do a GOTO $-5 to jump back five instructions anymore, without at least thinking about which instructions are which. If you inadvertently point to a location in the middle of an instruction, the assembler will tell you. If it happens to line up on another one, it won’t know anything is wrong until you run it and it doesn’t work as intended. Best is to come up with a consistent labeling scheme and make liberal use of good, mnemonic labels, aiming the GOTOs at them instead of using relative jumps. This will also stop you from breaking the code when you add more lines in the middle of the loop, later. (Anyone else been bit by this one?)

They’re a bit more expensive
Waah. They’re worth it.

Posted in Coding, Digital, PIC Microcontrollers | Leave a comment

Paleotech, through the eyes of a Millenial…

What happens when you give a modern teenager a Walkman? You get some interesting insights about technology. It’s amazing how far technology has come — and a reminder that yes, there really is such a thing as paleotechnology. (For us children of the 70s, the fact that cassette tapes have two sides is completely intuitive. For someone seeing a Walkman for the first time, perhaps not.) For how many other forms of technology might we forget some of the nuances, or even some of the important things?

Fellow paleotechnology expert DOSquatch writes about the subtle yet extremely important art of troubleshooting. He definitely has a point. I would also add that it’s important to document technologies as they are developed, lest we end up having to reinvent them all over again to get them to work (or end up breaking them inadvertently).

Actually, the comparison between a Walkman and modern mp3 players is a good example of how technology is not only progressing, but accelerating. When my grandparents went on a trip to Japan and brought back one of the first electronic calculators, it was definitely new — but easily understood in a few minutes. When cassettes started to take over some of the role of record players*, they too were relatively easily understood. Increasingly, though, the capabilities of new devices are breaking down old barriers and requiring new ways of thinking about things. (This isn’t necessarily a Bad Thing, but it bears mentioning.)

For instance, try explaining the subtle relationship between mp3 files and playlists to someone who doesn’t truly grok filesystems, shortcuts, and links. You might be able to explain it, but it will take a lot of explaining. Try a more advanced topic, like why a satellite-modem connection works fine for streaming audio but is horrible for interactive websites — and the explanation can take much longer. Bring DRM, P2P, streaming, file sizes, bitrates, codecs, protocols, IP addresses, connectivity, lag, bandwidth, Bluetooth, AC3 and oversampling into the conversation, and suddenly you’re speaking a foreign language.

Technological progress is definitely accelerating, and every year, I hear more and more people talk about the Singularity. I’m even starting to believe it myself. A lot of it does sound farfetched — yet technical progress in many fields is starting to look asymptotic. We definitely live in interesting times: they say that by 2025, supercomputers should be sufficiently powerful to run realtime simulations of the human brain. With computer speeds doubling every year or two, we could well end up as spectators to the fastest and most profound changes in history.

As long as we can control the direction things take, though, I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords.

* Yeah, yeah. Nobody, least of all me, is going to claim that cassettes beat LPs for audio quality. I draw the line at CDs, though. Maybe 44.1kHz/16bit isn’t optimal, but it sure beats dragging a rock through a plastic groove.

Posted in Analog, Digital, Nostalgia | Leave a comment

Digital blasphemy?

When is a 555 not a 555?

When it’s really a PIC!

The design of the DrACo/Z80 computer calls for a 555 timer (a great piece of paleotech, even if it still isn’t sure after 38 years whether it’s really a digital or analog part.) However, for running higher-speed programs on the DrACo, I wanted to have the option to, as Emeril might say, “kick it up a notch.” I figured that a PIC12F683 would do nicely, since it could be programmed to provide a nice, stable TTL clock output without any external components.

The only problem was, the PIC’s ground lead is on Pin 8 and its power lead is on Pin 1; the 555 has the opposite configuration. The solution? Possibly the single ugliest soldering job I’ve done in a long time (and that’s saying something, folks.)

Yet, it works — and is a nice, drop-in replacement for the 555, swapping the astable oscillator mode for a much faster 2MHz clock output.

This is also the single shortest program I’ve ever written for a PIC:

   org 0x00
   banksel OSCCON
   movlw 0x70
   movwf OSCCON

   goto $

It sets the clock to 8MHz, then sits in a single-instruction loop and contemplates its navel. So, for that matter, when is a PIC not a PIC? When it’s not doing any computing at all — but just providing a 2MHz CLKOUT signal.

But sometimes, the smaller the MCU, the more creative the applications. I’ve heard of people using microcontrollers in fireworks to provide split-second timing for the pyrotechnics. At 30 cents each for something like the 10F200, it only sounds crazy until you think about it.

…and yeah, this project could have been very easily done with a less expensive PIC — but 12F683s are so versatile that I keep a couple dozen of them on hand for various things. They’re like digital LEGO…

Posted in 555, Analog, Digital | Leave a comment