Samsung Epic 4G GPS walking test

Recently, there has been some concern that Samsung’s new Galaxy S phones may have fairly serious GPS implementation issues. From the comments I’ve seen online, this does appear to be the case with the earlier Galaxy S phones (I don’t have any of those, so can’t confirm that). The problem was rumored to have been fixed on the new Epic 4G phone, though — but mixed results have been posted online.

Since I use my phone’s GPS for many tasks, I decided to try an independent walking test of the GPS accuracy on the Epic 4G. I found a long, straight stretch of sidewalk and used Google Earth to determine the latitude and longitude of the endpoints (roughly 333m apart). With the latitude and longitude of these points recorded, I walked from one point to the other and back along the line (with an accuracy of maybe 10cm or so), recording the track. For each recorded point, I took the measured longitude, calculated the expected latitude value, and noted the absolute difference between this value and the actual measured latitude for that point. The mean error in latitude was ~3.0087m, with a standard deviation of ~2.003m. The worst-case point was ~8.579m off.

Here is a visual track for the test; green and blue represent the measured tracks, while red represents the actual path walked:

Linear walking test - Epic 4G (click for larger)

Here is a histogram of the absolute calculated error in latitude:

GPS error histogram (click for larger)

The reported position accuracy was exactly 30.0m for the entire test, strongly suggesting (in fact, all but proving) that this figure is hardcoded. Fortunately, actual accuracy appears to be much better than that.

Posted in Digital, Digital Citizenship, GPS, Toys | 4 Comments

Redneck Antenna Design

The problem: Really crappy cell modem signal strength at a site in rural Virginia.
The solution (for now): About 1m2 of aluminum foil, made into a rough parabolic shape.
It ain’t pretty, until you look at the signal strength meter. -115dBm to -100dBm, which means the difference between being online or not. I’ll take it.

(Click for larger)

Redneck Cell Antenna
Redneck Cell Antenna - Closeup

Posted in Analog, Internet, RF, System Administration | 3 Comments

Malware blamed for plane crash

A recent article notes that apparently the crash of Spanair flight 5022 had as a major contributing factor a compromised warning system computer, which resulted in no audible alarm when the pilots attempted to take off with the flaps and slats retracted. (This is a Bad Thing.)

Here’s the scary part: The computer had apparently been compromised due to malware that had somehow been installed (suggesting to me that it was likely running Windows or another popular consumer operating system.)

I’m all for the use of modern technology in aircraft; engine management computers and other systems can make aircraft safer, more reliable, and much more efficient. Of course, as with all aviation systems, they ought to be thoroughly checked out before being allowed to control critical aircraft functions. One corollary to this is that large, complex, unverified operating systems should *not* be used to run systems in charge of essential functions. I sincerely hope that there has been a misunderstanding in this case. We don’t yet know all there is to know about aviation safety, of course — but not using consumer-grade software in critical systems should be as big a no-brainer as making sure that the wings are bolted on securely.

Posted in Coding, Current Events, Digital, Digital Citizenship | Leave a comment

Old-school BASIC

We need more programming languages like BASIC. Not the thoroughly modernized, object-oriented, jazzed-up descendants of the language — I mean the original BASIC. Specifically, a language which can be readily understood by anyone reading it who has a background in algebra — and one which can be easily learned in a few minutes’ time.

I recently came across (okay, went looking for and found) the original paper describing 1964 Dartmouth BASIC. It’s amazing how clear the example code is — and how well-thought-out the stated goals of the language are.
Compare the following “Hello, World!” programs in BASIC and JAVA…

10 print "Hello, World!"
20 end


Java (Android code):
package com.paad.HelloWorld;


import android.os.Bundle;

public class HelloWorld extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Java (required XML for Android):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:text="Hello, World!"

That’s a LOT of crap, just to put “Hello, World” on the screen! Not only that, but how would a beginning Java programmer know all of the names of the required functions, and which parameters they take? Java is supposed to, among other things, shield programmers from the “complexity” of languages like C. I think I’ll stick with the “complexity,” thanks.


Not only that, but an additional point of failure has been introduced: the code now depends on a schema that resides on a webserver at Should this webserver go offline (for instance, the Android platform goes out of fashion, the organization running the site goes bankrupt or just doesn’t have a good backup policy in place, or whatever), the code is now broken — dependent on an external reference that is no longer there.

Posted in Android, BASIC, Coding, Digital, Java, Nostalgia | Leave a comment