Magic Carpet Ride (Segway review)

One of the nice things about working at a university is that there are all sorts of cool presentations, demos, and the like happening around campus throughout the year. Last week, Segways were available at the Armory for faculty, staff, and students (and probably anyone else who wandered in and looked interested) to try.

Although I’m by no means a control-systems expert (I have some basic understanding of PID controllers and am dabbling in aircraft autopilot design as a hobby), I know enough to know how difficult the problems are, given all of the nonlinearities and possible chaotic interactions involved.

Segways work by a computer-controlled dynamic balance system; the rider stands on a platform between two wheels, and electric motors provide propulsion and balance. That’s the theory, anyway — but I had always wondered how well it worked, in practice.

...Who's supporting whom here, Dad?


A while ago, my parents had taken a Segway tour of Richmond; they said they enjoyed it a lot, and that the Segways turned out to be fairly easy to use. (That’s them in the picture.) I figured if my folks could do it, I had no excuse (being thirty years younger and having a much better understanding of the technology involved), so I headed over to the Armory to try riding one myself.

Segways at the Drexel Armory

I’m very glad I did! Although as with any new activity, there is a short learning curve, after five or ten minutes, riding a Segway becomes quite intuitive. Shift your weight forwards a bit to accelerate, shift your weight back to brake, and pull the handlebars gently left or right to steer. Here are some observations from a quick test-run around the Drexel Armory:

  • Relax a bit and try to trust the Segway to maintain balance. When I first stepped on, the Segway’s balance control and my own reflexes briefly set up an oscillation, with both overcompensating for the other. Once I held still, the Segway settled right down.
  • Give yourself time to decelerate. Segways can go up to 20km/hr or so (~12.5 mph), which takes a bit of getting used to; you may need more room than you  think to slow back down. (They also seem to have a set maximum deceleration rate, so as not to cause the rider to do a faceplant.)
  • Dismounting is relatively easy. The sailor’s admonition to “step lively” applies here. (Who’d have thought that an afternoon learning about sailing would have applications in robotics? Thanks, Dr. R!) Come to a stop, continue to hold the handlebar, and step backwards off the platform.
  • Don’t let go of the handlebar when dismounting (hold the Segway upright once you dismount.) The Segway trainers said that, without a rider on board, the Segway could fall over. This seems unintuitive, but I took their advice anyway.
  • Have fun! Once you get used to it (which doesn’t take long), it feels like you’re riding a magic carpet — or perhaps like surfing?

Finally, here are the answers to the questions I had before trying a Segway:

  • Do they really work? How easy are they to ride?
    • Yes, they work. Riding one is much easier than riding a bicycle or rollerskating. Give yourself ten minutes with a Segway trainer; that’s all you’ll need.
  • Why not just walk?
    • For one thing, they’re much faster than walking — as long as conditions support it. They are a bit less maneuverable, but not to the extent you’d expect; they should be able to go anywhere a wheelchair can.
    • They’re a lot of fun, and the technology is amazing!
  • Do you need to have a good sense of balance?
    • No. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt, but I’m a typical (non-athletic) geek, and I did fine. Anyone able to learn to rollerskate or ride a bicycle (even if you haven’t yet) should have no problem on a Segway.
  • How much do they cost?
Posted in Analog, Digital, Digital Citizenship, Electronics, Robotics, Toys | Leave a comment

Kung Fu Science

Well, more like quick back-of-the-envelope-calculation science. Sometimes, it’s useful to be able to quickly determine if an interesting new idea is plausible or not. Many times, guesses about the available data have to be made, but a quick estimate of the plausibility of an idea is often still possible.

I heard on Citizen Scientists’ League that NASA was “taking high-resolution photographs of the Moon” in order to prove to skeptics that the astronauts had indeed landed there and walked around. This is a noble goal — and the moon is right in our backyard, astronomically speaking — but viewing details that small still must require incredible telescope resolution. Would such a thing be possible? How could we tell if this is easily done, tricky but doable, possible but very difficult, or impossible?

A quick Wikipedia search of the usual suspects turned up the fact that the Hubble actually doesn’t have very good angular resolution, compared to many (much larger) major ground-based telescopes. (That’s because it’s relatively small — about the size of a bus — and so doesn’t have the huge aperture needed for very high resolution.)  So, I decided to use the specifications of the optical interferometer at Paranal as a quick test case. Here is an example of how a few minutes’ thought can give an idea of how plausible an idea is…

Could we photograph footprints that the astronauts left on the Moon, from the Earth?

The interferometer at Paranal is said to have “milli-arc-second” resolution

The size of the resolvable object for a telescope depends on its distance.
So, how far away is the moon?

  • 384,399km semi-major axis
  • ~1738km moon radius
  • ~6378km earth radius
  • = ~376,283km distance (once the radii are subtracted)

(source: Wikipedia entries on the Moon and the Earth)

Basic trigonometry tells us that tan(angle) = opposite / adjacent.
So, tan(resolution angle) = min_feature_size(m) / distance(m).

tan(1 milli-arcsecond)=min_feature_size(m) / 376,283,000m
min_feature_size(m) = tan(1 milli-arcsecond) * 376,283,000

1 milli-arc-second = 0.001 / 3600 degree = 2.7778 x 10^(-7)
tan(2.7778 x 10^(-7)) ~= 4.848 x 10^(-9)

4.848 x 10^(-9) * 376,283,000m = 1.82427m. (A fairly typical adult human height, for example.)

So, we could probably see the landers, but probably not footprints.

..and that’s if using optical interferometry is possible.
According to the Dawes limit (from Wikipedia; I’m no optics expert),
an 8.2m telescope would itself have a resolving power of about 25.8m on the Moon.

(These calculations also don’t take into account telescope stability, tracking precision, etc. As anyone who has used a telescope knows, the Earth’s rotation makes celestial objects appear to move across the sky when seen from a fixed vantage point on Earth. The fact that the Moon is also orbiting the Earth doesn’t help, either.)

Calculations such as this are fun, and provide a good, intuitive understanding of scientific principles. It’s kind of like Mythbusters on a scrap piece of paper — but unfortunately without any cool explosions. Maybe someday…

Posted in Digital Citizenship, HOW-TO, Math, Science | Leave a comment

C Minus Minus

Note to self: When writing programs in C that need to read ports on PIC microcontrollers, copy the port data to a local variable without trying anything fancy.

In normal, standard C, a trick like the following should work nicely…

if (PORTC & 0x08 == 0x08){ foo();}

In Hi-Tech C, however, you don’t actually seem to get the current value of PORTC by doing something like that. I’m not sure *what* you get, but it certainly isn’t the current input value. Instead, you need to use the C equivalent of speaking slowly and using small, simple words:

temp = PORTC;
temp = temp & 0x08;
if (temp == 0x08){foo();}

This is annoying, but wouldn’t be an undue burden if properly documented. What *is* annoying is having to waste half a day tracking down why the code wasn’t working correctly!

Posted in C, Coding, Digital, HOW-TO, PIC Microcontrollers | Leave a comment

(Towards) A 555-Based Computer

It’s well known that the 555 timer IC is a very versatile piece of technology. (The fact that it’s still being produced after nearly forty years attests to this.)

…but can it compute?

As it turns out, the native “A * ~B” gate (see “Boolean Logic with 555s“) can be made into a S/R latch, with the addition of a few resistors and a diode. (The 555 actually does contain such a latch inside it, but not all of the latch ports are exposed as pins.) The diode is needed to block a low (inactive) signal from the Set pin from resetting the circuit when it is in the on state. The reset resistor (connected to DIS/CON, not RST) may not be needed; this design was hastily done in time for the 555 contest and I went with the first implementation that worked.


A transparent S/R latch using a single 555, a diode, and two resistors. (Click for larger view)

This S/R latch circuit allows a 555 to function as one bit of static RAM. With enough 555s — and no other active components —  a primitive (but Turing-complete!) computer can therefore be built, using only 555s! (For this implementation, I’m using diodes, which are technically active, but even these are not essential. Given enough 555s; S/R latches can be built from logic gates alone, which can be built from 555s, as demonstrated in another post. The diodes do help reduce the circuit size quite a bit, though.)

One tricky factor is the lack of tristate output functionality; the 555’s output is always high or low, never tristated. This can be mitigated by using OR gates (a NOR cascade with a final inverter, as shown below) to combine the various possible sources onto a single bus. As long as only one source is active at a time, its data will be carried through correctly — and no electrical contention (shorted outputs) is ever possible, even if more than one source does go active/high at one time. Multiplexing N outputs into a single line via OR logic therefore requires N+1 555s. (This could also probably be done with diodes and a pulldown resistor, but the eventual goal is an all-555 design.)


Building an OR multiplexer, to get around the tristate problem (click for larger view)

Since using 555s as logic gates is extremely inefficient in terms of space and wiring complexity, the computer design is necessarily quite simple. A six-bit word size allows for orthogonal instructions: 2-bit opcodes with 4-bit operands. This will allow for four possible operations, and 4-bit operands ranging from 0 to 15. Twenty-six or so 555s are needed for each word of memory, plus extras to combine them onto the output lines, so I have built just four six-bit words for the time being, rather than completing all sixteen possible memory locations. Another six-bit word for the accumulator has been completed, along with a four-bit word for the program counter. The 2-to-4 address decoder for the memory is complete (visible on the breadboard at the side). The rest of the control and processing logic is planned but not built at this point. Here’s the planned block diagram:


Block diagram; the memory, decoder, and multiplexer are complete. (Click for larger view)

Here’s a picture of the memory subsystem:


The 555 memory subsystem (4 words of 6 bits). All chips are 555s. (Click for larger view)

Here is a video of the memory in action (storing several words of data). The LEDs show the state of the memory; with the addition of a (mostly complete) NOR cascade multiplexer, the memory will be capable of outputting its data onto a single data bus. With the addition of a (completed but buggy) address demultiplexer, the memory subsystem will be ready to take its place in the 555 computer.

Unfortunately, lack of time (I get to do a lot of interesting things at my day job, but they do seem to insist that I show up for work) has prevented me from completing the entire design in time for the contest — but the design is feasible. Hopefully, I’ll be able to have the whole thing up and working sometime this summer. If so, I’ll post the details here.

Posted in 555, Digital, Electronics, Nostalgia | 8 Comments