MIT 6.002X pilot course

MIT’s beta-test of their online “MITX” program launches today, with the first day of class for their 6.002X “Circuits and Electronics” course. This is a free course, open to anyone, and MIT is offering a certificate of completion for anyone who finishes the course with good grades.

The syllabus is full of useful topics, from the basics of electrical theory (units of measure, Ohm’s Law, KVL/KCL) to more advanced topics like feedback, stability, transients, etc.

The price is certainly right and the content looks interesting and useful. I’d recommend anyone interested in learning more about the fundamentals of electronics sign up before the course gets too far along. (Although I’ve been working with electronics for several years now, I’ve signed up to see if there’s anything I’ve missed — which is quite probable considering that my background is mostly in Digital.)

The first homework is due March 16th, so now is a good time to get started!

Posted in Analog, Current Events, Digital, Electronics, Fundamentals, Internet | Leave a comment

The Periodic Table of 2-Input Logic Gates

For a two-input, one-output digital logic gate (assuming no state memory or feedback), there are a total of sixteen possible behaviors, since for each combination of inputs (00, 01, 10, and 11), the gate must output either a zero or a one. Combining these four behaviors allows description of the gate with four bits, meaning there are sixteen possibilities (0000 through 1111).

Not all of these “gate types” are interesting, however. For example, the “Type 0” gate (whose descriptor is 0000) always outputs a zero, no matter what the inputs are. Similarly, the “Type 15” gate (descriptor 1111) will always output a one.

Some interesting properties that some of the gates have are:

  • Symmetry: If you swap inputs A and B, will the gate act the same way?
  • Triviality: Is the “gate” so trivial that a simple wire will suffice?
  • Commonality: Is the gate a “standard” or commonly-used gate?
  • Inversion: Can the gate invert one or both inputs in at least some cases?
  • Two-input: Do both inputs affect the gate’s output?
  • Universality: Can several of this gate be used to emulate any other gate?

Here is a chart showing the properties of all of the possible behaviors a simple two-input-one-output digital logic gate could exhibit. Some of these are not true “gates”; others are, but lack universality. Interestingly, six of the gate types are universal — meaning that given a sufficient number of them, any other gate type could be created. An entire computer could be created using nothing but NOR gates, for instance.

A chart of all possible simple two-input logic gates. (Click for larger.)

Logic gates of various types can sometimes show up in unexpected places. The humble 555 timer IC, for example, turns out to be capable of functioning as a Type 2 (or Type 4) gate. Since these are universal, a computer using only 555s as active logic is possible!



Posted in Digital, EET205, Electronics, Fundamentals, Math | Leave a comment

Cool (literally)

Electronics is at its most interesting when you come across something that truly seems magical. Making a webserver out of an Arduino comes close, as does building a computer from scratch — but it’s especially fun to experience something that seems to violate fundamental laws of physics.

The Peltier effect is one such “magical” piece of technology. Generally speaking, when current is run through a component, that component becomes warmer, as some of the electrical energy is radiated as heat. (This is what resistors do best.) Once you have designed enough devices, it becomes second nature to think about the heat generated; if you put five watts of power into a chip, you had better make sure there’s a way to remove five watts of heat at a temperature that won’t destroy the chip.

Now for the magical part. It turns out that certain solid-state devices can act as heat pumps when current flows through them. Overall, the device does become warmer, since like everything known to science, it operates at less than 100% efficiency. (A lot less than 100%, in this case.) However, when the current is passed through one of these Peltier devices, one side of the device cools noticeably. It’s science, yes — but science of a particularly magical flavor.

A medium-size Peltier device (without heatsink). Using Red as the positive lead will make the top the cool side; reverse the polarity to reverse the heat flow. (Click for larger.)

Peltier devices are notoriously inefficient for cooling, but they have some unique positive features. As solid-state devices, they are completely silent, quite reliable, and can be fit into small places. Their ability to cool below ambient temperature, silently and in a small form factor, is quite unique. They are used in some exotic CPU-cooling schemes (although air cooling is far more common and even water cooling and phase-change cooling are more widely used.) Peltier devices are especially useful for cooling CCD sensors for astrophotography, since CCD noise levels are best at low temperatures, and low noise is essential when capturing long-exposure images of very faint objects.

Peltiers, given a good heatsink/fan combination, can even produce temperatures below freezing…

An attempt at producing ice crystals with a Peltier device and heatsink+fan. (Click for larger.)


Posted in Components, Electronics, Science | Leave a comment

Cool math: Conway’s Game of Life

(This is the first of a planned series of articles on interesting topics in mathematics. Don’t worry, though; there won’t be a quiz. The whole idea is to show the fun side of math!)

One of the more interesting topics in math (for me, anyway) is emergent complexity. Often, very simple systems can lead to complex behavior. Fractals such as the Mandelbrot Set are a good example of this. Another example is Conway’s Game of Life.

Discovered / invented by Dr. John Conway in 1970, Life is a specific cellular automaton: a set of rules for updating the states (“alive” or “dead”) of a rectangular grid of cells (Conway apparently did some early investigations using a checkerboard.) Starting from a given “seed” configuration, the following two simple rules are repeatedly applied (to all of the cells at once):

  • If a “live” cell has exactly two or three neighbors, it remains “alive” in the next generation. Otherwise, it “dies” (potentially to be reborn again later).
  • If a “dead” (or “empty”) cell has exactly three neighbors, it becomes “alive” in the next generation. Otherwise, it remains empty.

These two simple rules lead to all sorts of interesting behavior. Some configurations quickly die out; others quickly evolve into stable “still life” configurations. The most interesting ones, though, can drift away across the plane, grow without bound, or play out in a chaotic manner for hundreds or thousands of generations before becoming stable. Here are some examples:

A “block” of four squares will remain exactly as it is — a classic example of a “still life”. Each live cell has three live neighbors; no empty cell has more than two — therefore, no cells ever die or are born.


Three cells in a row will oscillate between horizontal and vertical configurations — becoming a “blinker.”


A diagonal row of cells will evaporate from each end…


…but a diagonal row of cells “anchored” at both ends remains stable.


These are somewhat interesting — but the beauty of Conway’s Life is in the more complex behaviors it can produce:


Shortly after it was invented, the “glider” was discovered — which can move diagonally. (There are four versions, each mirror images, which move in the four diagonal directions.)


An excellent example of emergent complexity is the “R-Pentomino”: a set of five cells which explodes in a burst of activity, firing off several gliders until finally becoming stable over a thousand generations later(!)



There are many more interesting examples out there. In fact, it has even been proven that Conway’s Life can be used to build a universal (Turing-complete) computer — albeit a very inefficient one. I recommend Life32 as a good, easy-to-use program to start your investigations into Life. If you’re interested in finding out more about some of the many fascinating Life constructs discovered, Stephen A. Silver has compiled an excellent Life Lexicon.


Posted in Coding, Digital, Math, Science | 2 Comments