Celsius Intuition

For reasons that I’ve mentioned before, I prefer to use SI units whenever possible. For me, it’s about practicality — using SI units makes the math easier, since unit conversion requires few or no “magic numbers” to convert from one unit to another.

Having grown up in the U.S., though, developing an intuition for SI units is not always easy. After several decades of exposure to U.S. traditional units, it’s difficult to not think of a nice cool day as “68 degrees” instead of “20 degrees Celsius.”

After Plan A (setting the weather widget on my phone to use Celsius) simply resulted in my not being sure what to wear, at least without mentally converting the reported temperatures back into Fahrenheit, I decided to make up Plan B: a chart, specifically designed as a “Remedial SI” tool to help me and fellow unit-anachronistic residents of the U.S. develop an intuitive understanding of degrees C.


A chart to convert degrees Celsius into intuitive meanings. (Click for larger.)
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Ugly hack of the week

Forgive me, fellow Digital Design geeks, for I have sinned. Faced with a lack of 74LS245 tristate buffer ICs (I swear they were in the cabinet last week), I have created a truly ugly hack.

The latest iteration of the 8-bit DrACo/Z80 design uses a PIC16F688 as a custom 8-bit up/down counter, to run the address lines. This should make it quite a bit easier to program than previous designs, while not making the design any more complex. The data bus is now run straight from the logic switches on the CADET II trainer into a single 74LS245 tristate buffer chip. When writing to the data bus manually, the ‘245 is enabled and the eight bits from the switches are copied onto the data bus. Otherwise, the ‘245 is disabled (tristated), allowing the Cypress memory chip or the Z80 to control the data bus. We’ve been using this design for three or four years now, and it works nicely.

The lack of available ‘245s, though, meant that the logic switches would be continually driving the bus, contending with the output from the memory chip if it were enabled for a read. Bus contention is a Bad Thing™ — because it not only causes chaotic computer behavior, but can actually damage components due to two low-impedance sources driving the same net. The ‘245 prevents this, since it is set to only enable its outputs when nothing else is driving the data bus. Without it, the system will work incorrectly and could possibly burn itself out.

The solution ugly hack workaround was to connect the switches to the data bus via 470-ohm resistors. (I would have used 1ks, but there weren’t as many of those handy.) When the switches are the only thing driving the bus, they should still have low enough impedance to assert the correct values onto the data bus. When the memory is driving the data bus (during a read), its low-impedance output (20mA) should be enough to overcome any resistors pulling in the opposing direction.

It should work for now, but it’s definitely ugly.


Posted in Digital, DrACo/Z80, Drexel, Hacks | Leave a comment

Earth Hour

Technological innovation is great, but it’s also important to think of the Earth. Our consumption of nonrenewable resources is endangering the environment.

Earth Hour, scheduled for 8:30PM-9:30PM tonight (local time, in each time zone) is an attempt to increase our awareness of our power consumption. Often, lights are on that don’t need to be; HVAC systems are left running while the windows are open, and energy is wasted in many other ways.

Turn the lights out for the Earth for an hour — but more importantly, think about ways we can do more, instead of just using more.


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Decommissioning the Space Shuttle fleet

I remember watching on TV as Columbia — the first of the Space Shuttles — launched on its first mission, back in 1981. It was exciting to see, and seemed to indicate that the US was committed to a continuing presence in space. Even more exciting, for me, was the landing, several days later. No spacecraft yet built had ever landed gently, like an airplane. We were definitely on the way to developing “real” spacecraft, it seemed.

Like many others my age, I also vividly remember hearing about the Challenger explosion — and, years later, Columbia’s breakup upon re-entry. Pushing the boundaries of technology is inherently risky — but it can also be very rewarding.

Today, the future of the US space program seems far less certain. The Space Shuttles have flown for the last time, and are being decommissioned and moved to static displays at prominent aerospace museums throughout the US. The Atlantic has an excellent photo essay on the process, including many interesting facts. (For instance, the shuttles are being refitted with replica engines — the fifteen originals are being kept for re-use in NASA’s new heavy-lift project.)

Here is the link to the photo essay.

It’s well worth the time to read — the Shuttle program was a big part of the history of the US space program. For me, it’s sad to see the fleet sent into retirement without a clear idea of what will come next. It’s another reminder that, despite all of the technological progress of the past several decades, our spaceflight capabilities are a pitiful shadow of what they once were.

My parents remember buying their first TV set to watch Neil Armstrong take the first steps onto the Moon. As for me, I was born the same day that Apollo 17 splashed down. Nobody has walked on the Moon in my lifetime — and we’re reduced to relying on the 1960s-era Soyuz rockets for access to the International Space Station. With all of the technological know-how we have, we can do better.


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